Sunday 19 June 2016


We all know of that toy we used to love while we were still kids. We’d love to see the images formed while we peeped into the tube. It was as if the rest of the world is non-existent and all we can see is the colourful pattern at the end of the tube, each image different than the previous one. I could endlessly see those beautiful pictures.

Isn’t love just the same? It carries us to a world so different than the mundane one. Each moment different than the other, each day a new pattern, each kiss a new feeling, each touch a new emotion. It is as if nothing else in the world matters as much. All you want to do is hold the tube and watch the hues of love, changing with time but never losing its beauty.

Only the screen of love can make the kaleidoscope of life beautiful. And only when there is joy within will we able to perceive the wonders around – just like a child. Have you observed a child? They’re always excited about even the simplest of things. We somewhere lose that excitement and that child in us in the process of growing up. We forget to love and even more important, hold that love for oneself and others.

Our quest for joy itself gives us joy sometimes. It is like seeking beauty in everything that makes us fall in love in the little things around. Hold on to your Kaleidoscope, forever!

Friday 17 June 2016

International Women’s Day - Should we still celebrate this day?

International Women’s day (IWD) was initiated with an aim to promote and accelerate gender equality. It has been celebrated on 8 th March, for over hundred years. The question is ‘do we still need it?’

Women are shoulder to shoulder with men in so many domains around the globe. Be it politics, economics, social or cultural fronts. Women have grown by leaps and bounds. So while we say they are equal to men, why do we still need IWD? While I believe, there is no concrete answer to this, the fact is there are still places where men and women do not have equal rights. Barring the well developed and progressive areas, women empowerment is still needed. The popular notion that men are stronger than women still persists.

Having said that, men have their own share of problems too. The social pressures they face cannot be ignored. Right from childhood, they get to hear ‘boys don’t cry’, ‘you have to earn well to get a good girl in life’, ‘be a man’, etc. When we talk about rights, we mean human rights. So, we’re humans first, XX and XY later.

On a lighter note, IWD does have the perks of receiving surprises and gifts from our brothers, fathers, partners and friends. And just for the record, there’s an International Men’s Day too, celebrated on 19 th November. If only men were good at remembering dates!

Friday 12 February 2016

A (close to) Perfect Mumbai

Time to slip into an imaginary world. What if there were superheroes in India? Our mundane life would surely be a tad bit interesting, wouldn't it?

Giving tough competition to Gotham city, Mumbai also has its share of villains and vamps. Who do we have for our rescue? Our very own Batman. He would fight with criminals and put an end to corruption. What’s the best about Batman is his wit. Unlike other superheroes, he does not have a superpower per se. His sheer intelligence is his superpower - a great motivation for the aam janta like us.

The first word that comes to my mind with the mention of this metropolitan city is Traffic. The continuous honking, the long waiting hours and a lost hope. But look who do we have here -  Superman(s). Yes, we surely need more than one. Or rather an entire army of Supermans. As a child, I always imagined Superman coming and sweeping me off my feet (literally). If only Superman would agree to offer us his valued service of picking and dropping us to work. I would be looking forward to go to office everyday (like never before).

There is another solution to the aforementioned problem. The cities are already so cramped up here. There’s no room for even the ants to have their space. How does one travel easily? Here’s the solution - Flash. With super-speed power like him, you can reach places (again, literally).

Then again, due to scarcity of space not many can indulge into adventurous sports. Where could one try wall climbing, bungee-jumping and err.. switching from building to another. With his unique wall climbing ability and swift movements, Spider-man is the apt solution here. We all need such stress busters and have fun, don’t we?

Being Captain America can also be quite handy in Mumbai. Travelling in public means of transport is nothing less than a battle. His protective shield and ‘Super-Soldier’ features can help immensely. His strength and fast-healing ability are surely needed while commuting.

Last on the list but not the least and my personal favourite- our Desi Hero, Mr. India.  In this maddening world, we all need a break sometimes. A chance to vanish from everything and be invisible. A chance to dwell in your own little world. A chance to let solitude seep into every cell of your body. An escape not from the outside world but into your own. Who wouldn't love that, at times? Going Invisible also has other perks. You can always hear what your neighbors are talking about you behind your back.

Time to sign off from the imagination. See you on the other side - the Real World. The world with no superheroes. Having said that, Mumbai still beats in my heart. No matter how cynical one gets, Mumbai has taught us to be our own superheroes.