Friday 4 September 2015


It’s an amazing world!! (Kindly sense high dosage of sarcasm here). Sometimes I begin to wonder if there’s something seriously wrong with the world or it is just me. It’s difficult for me to digest the fact that they do not understand plain, clear logic in everything and how they perceive everything based on the most baseless things. Perception is something that speaks a lot about a person. Normally, people are illusioned with what they see. How easily can one be deceived by their own eyes! Even while making the most important decisions like choosing a life partner. I have seen them having a list of traits based on superficial things like colour, size, height, caste, subcaste, sub-subcaste, salary, number of siblings, 1BHK, 2BHK, etc. that set their benchmark to select or not select someone. It’s no less than cracking CAT. It’s absolutely impossible for them to look at the BIG PICTURE of all these things – that is the person himself. How he is beneath his skin – his pure, raw self, his heart. One’s beauty lies in one’s soul. You can only be connected, moved, touched by the soul of another person. One needs to grow above and beyond shallow things.

People generally perceive God in idols and rituals. Again – illusion. I fail to understand the point in being religious, but not spiritual? How deeply do you actually feel connected to the Almighty while you recite your prayers or carry out some ritual? God is our own higher self, our inner conscience. Yes, religion does have its own positives – one is more disciplined when it comes to remembering Him, but just blindly or mechanically following customs without feeling God is like mugging up your answers without understanding the core basics. You might score well but the knowledge you gain out of it is - nothing.

How true is one to oneself? I see people and wonder how they do not have their strong moral principles. How is it that they have no say in whatsoever? Isn’t Integrity the basis of your moral code? Yes - we are no saints, we make mistakes. But having the spine to accept them and facing the consequences is Integrity. Refusing to carry the baggage of lies, unfaithfulness, disloyalty, pretense, deceit is integrity. Loving a person is integrity and standing by it is too. Being honest in loving someone is Integrity. Love is the purest form of truth, being unfaithful is the most manifest sign of lie. There are no greys here. It’s plain black or white.  Lie – can seem like a pretty safe shelter, only it has holes you can’t see. It can help you take a step or two but truth is courage, it is freedom...freedom to walk your whole life your way. Standing by your principles can be liberating even if the whole world is against you and they will be - cause it’s simpler to take the easy way. It’s simpler to not fight and run away. It’s safer to agree with the crowd. Being coward is an easy option.

What is left of us, if we don’t stay stick to our own’s own thoughts? As philosophical as it sounds, truth can never be questioned. One can never be ashamed of it; it is lie that will give your heart the weight of guilt that will consume it sooner or later. Your principles are what make you. It is not simply a war with others; it is a silent seal of deal with your own self. It is spiritual, it is pure and the most logical thing you know.

Another trait commonly found that baffles me is Hypocrisy. Normally, these kind of people never accept their mistakes and will always be seen beating around the bush when questioned. Courage to not be two-faced and to take a stand on what they feel and think is something beyond their capability. But they are good at many things, you cannot not give them some credit- they have impressive faking capability, they can manage to justify their actions through the most bizarre and illogical explanations, they are more often than not emotionally and mentally dependent on others, etc. The issue with hypocrisy is how weak a person can be to have perfectly no alignment of his beliefs and actions. I agree that there is no right, no wrong. What one may find right may be completely wrong in the world’s eye, but you must have a clear, pure reason for that. A reason you stand by and you have to take a strong stand on that – openly. No pretense. Being strong is a choice one makes. Of course, hypocrisy has nothing to do with ethics, a thief can be sincere, and a saint can be a hypocrite.

The list could be a lot, lot longer. This is not over...yet...not till the world keeps amusing me.